Must-See Movie Trailers!

Must-See Movie Trailers!

Sorry for the delay between posts (I know I have said that a lot, haha).  I really have been absolutely swamped this summer. Over the last week, there have been a plethora of trailers released for movies set to come out at the end of this year..  I hope you’ve saved up some money, because we are going to be in for a treat the second half of 2015.  Here are the new trailers and release dates for said movies:



Southpaw (July 24)

southpaw movie poster


Southpaw was on my list for the top movies to look out for this summer (  While this trailer isn’t as long as the first one released (, it is another look at the Jake Gyllenhaal movie that is sure to grab critic’s attention over the next few months.



Z for Zachariah (August 21)

z for zachariah


I haven’t really heard much of anything about Z for Zachariah; however, the trailer seemed pretty interesting.  I can’t really make any big assumptions about the movie because that trailer is all I have to go off of, but I will probably be at the theater to see it come August.  The cast is pretty solid and I know their talent won’t give us a box office dud, but I am still pretty up in the air with everything.



Everest (September 18)



I talked about this in my last post and how I am so excited to see this movie.  After learned about the 1996 Mount Everest disaster in January, I have wanted to see a movie about this.  With a ridiculously skilled group of actors and story line so intense, it will be extremely difficult for this movie not to do well.



The Walk (October 2)

the walk


Another movie based on a true story, The Walk will feature Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Philippe Petit, the man who walked across the Twin Towers on a tightrope in 1974.  It is a very interesting story spanning far before the walk itself and should make a good movie.  It is also nice to see Joseph Gordon-Levitt return after a brief hiatus from serious movies.



Bridge of Spies (October 18)

bridge of spies


That was our first look at the favorite to win Best Picture at the Oscars next year.  Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks are two of the best names in the business and are bringing the infamous U2 Spy Plane incident from the Cold War to the big screen.  So far, I am definitely intrigued by the trailer and cannot wait to see how the final result turns out.



Spectre (November 6)



Spectre seems to deal with the fall out after the story of Skyfall and sets up the return of S.P.E.C.T.R.E (Special Executive for Counter-intelligence, Terrorism, Revenge, and Extortion) after 11 movies. With Christoph Waltz playing the main villain and tie-ins to Goldfinger, this James Bond movie looks to add to the already historic franchise and continue the Bond legacy.



The Martian (November 25)

the Martian


A movie coming out in late November about a human stranded in space in the near future with a lead actor named Matthew:  are you sure this isn’t Interstellar all over again?  While I doubt it will be as good as the Christopher Nolan sci-fi pic, The Martian looks like it will be another great space thriller on the heels of Interstellar last year and Gravity the year before it.  I admittedly don’t know much about the movie aside from it’s based off of a book and the trailer seemed pretty nice, but I am still pretty excited to see it.  Plus, adding Kate Mara, Sean Bean, Donald Glover, Jessica Chastain (wow she loves her space movies), and Jeff Daniels and you have yourself a pretty nice set up.



While all of these movies may not comprise the list of Best Picture nominations, the trailers all seem pretty sweet and I am definitely going to have to check all of them out at some point.  Oh, and I couldn’t go without leaving the new Hunger Games trailer here:  Make sure to check all of these out and let me know which one you are most excited for.

Top 5 Steven Spielberg Movies

Top 5 Steven Spielberg Movies

Spielberg is the best director alive today (sorry Nolan but he has you by a few decades).  He has been the brilliant mind behind so many of Hollywood’s biggest blockbusters and is still going strong.  Although it’s quite early, he is already the favorite to win Best Director at next year’s Oscars for a movie about the Cold War that hasn’t even come out yet (and it’s the favorite for best picture).  Here is a list of the best Spielberg movies in existence.


#5:  E.T the Extra Terrestrial (1982)


Wow, you know it’s a great list if E.T is bumped all the way down to number five.  This classic movie is perfect for the family to sit down and watch while ordering a pizza.  E.T is an alien that accidentally lands on Earth and is trying to make his way back home.  He joins a couple of kids and the group goes through adventure after adventure in an effort to get him back home. You will be hard-pressed to find a child who hasn’t seen this movie.


#4:  Jaws (1975)


This movie created the concept of a summer blockbuster.  Again, it’s crazy that a movie like this could only be number four on the list.  Audiences watch a crew go out and try to find a killer shark that has been terrorizing a beach.  Jaws is the reason that the summer movie season exists.  Plus, we were also given some of the best soundtrack music ever from the movie.


#3:  Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)

raiders of the lost ark

The first movie in the Indiana Jones trilogy (I like to pretend Crystal Skull doesn’t exist), Raiders of the Lost Ark was another successful notch in Spielberg’s belt that has made him the director he is today.  Without him, there would be no Indiana Jones.  Spielberg was smart and decided to cast Harrison Ford at the height of the Star Wars craze in the early 80s and make the movie even more popular.


#2:  Jurassic Park (1993)

jurassic park

This movie changed cinema.  Jurassic Park was the first movie to utilize CGI.  It has now become a staple in Hollywood that would have never become what it was without Spielberg.  He has helped shaped the industry into what it is today. Imagine the movie technology of the early 90s and then watch this:


Honorable Mention

Lincoln (2012)

Saving Private Ryan (1998)

Munich (2005)

Minority Report (2002)


#1:  Schindler’s List (1993)

schindler's list

1993 must have been a great year to be Steven Spielberg.  With the success of Jurassic Park and Schindler’s List, Spielberg had one of the best year’s for a director ever.  Many of you have heard me talk about how great Schindler’s List is and I even included it in my list for the top 10 movies of all-time (  Liam Neeson and Spielberg were able to work together to bring a movie about an extremely dark spot in human history to light while keeping a serious tone. If you haven’t seen it by now, you really have to.


What is your favorite Steven Spielberg movie?  Which other directors do you want to see with top five lists?  Make sure to let me know!